
ZTNA Is Possible for Small Businesses

ZTNA Is Possible for Small Businesses

When you see the letters ZTNA, you may not immediately think cybersecurity, but you should, as those letters stand for zero-trust network access. This article explains what ZTNA is and why it is advisable for securing remote access. Globally, work environments are...

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What to Do If You’re a Ransomware Victim

What to Do If You’re a Ransomware Victim

You’ll know if you’re a victim of ransomware. Often you’re met with a red screen telling you your business files are encrypted. You won’t be able to do anything on the computer, although the cybercriminals will provide helpful instructions for how to pay up. How nice....

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What Is Shadow IT, and Why Is It an Issue?

What Is Shadow IT, and Why Is It an Issue?

An old-time radio show used to start with the promise “The Shadow knows!” Yet when it comes to shadow IT, the problem is the exact opposite. Shadow IT is the stuff employees download onto a business system that IT doesn’t know about, and it can be a big problem. You...

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What You Need to Know about Web App Security

What You Need to Know about Web App Security

There’s an app for that! Even for business purposes, you can bet this is the case. Yet a small business may be using online applications without understanding the risks. Here’s help. Most businesses no longer have all their technology and software solutions on-site....

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