Case Study

Skin Medical


Skin Medical

Business Type:

Aesthetic Treatments




February 2021


Skin Medical engaged Gopher IT to migrate away from their current IT support provider. During the initial audit, Gopher IT found that a lot of the security settings in their current Microsoft 365 setup had not been configured. They were also using a mixture of on-site storage and off-site storage for daily work.


  • Correctly configure Microsoft 365 security settings
  • Migrate on-site storage to SharePoint
  • Purchase new laptops for all staff and configure
  • Configure new infrastructure (router, switch, WiFi)

The Problem

Skin Medical were paying for Microsoft 365 however they weren’t utilising the full benefits of the system. They also needed up upgrade their infrastructure to introduce new security features to better protect the network.

The Solution

Gopher reconfigured Microsoft 365 to introduce EndPoint Protection for all laptops in the Skin Medical ecosystem as well as configure spam, phishing and multi-factor authentication for all user accounts.

A migration of data from the on-site NAS was performed and data hosted on SharePoint is backed up daily to ensure a quick and recent recovery of any data should anything be accidently deleted.

The new infrastructure allowed Skin Medical to provide guest WiFi to their patients and they are now able to watch Netflix and Prime whilst recovering from treatments over a stable connection.

Client Reaction

Skin Medical is extremely happy with the service they have received and has since referred Gopher IT to various other companies further cemeting the relationship and have signed up to a support contract.

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