How Your Business Can Benefit from Remote Employees (10 Major Advantages)

Dec 18, 2018 | Business

Of the world’s working population, some 70% enjoy the benefits of remote working at least one day per week.

However, employers should recognise that it is not just remote employees who enjoy the benefits of telecommuting or working outside the office.

In fact, employers reap rich rewards by allowing their employees to work in an environment of their choosing.

The benefits of remote working are not lost on the world’s largest employers. Global companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have adopted remote working and have seen significant business growth as a result.

But you might be thinking, sure, it’s fine for huge tech companies to adopt remote working but could that really work for my business?

These 10 benefits might just help you see the light.

Hiring Better Talent Nationwide and Internationally

Without remote working, your company is limited to a local talent pool. That talent pool is poached by your competition. This reduces your options and could leave you with the short end of the stick.

Opting for remote workers, however, gives you a leg up on the competition. You gain access to talent of all kinds both nationwide and even internationally.

Whether you need an experienced candidate for a specific role or if you’re more interested in skills, a global job pool is sure to enable you to find a candidate who fits the role to a T.

Enables You to Expand Your Customer Support Hours

Small to large businesses alike understand the importance of a responsive customer support team. With global customers comes a need for 24/7 customer support. Without an international customer support team that might not be possible.

By being open to remote working, a possibility for business growth becomes a reality. Customers respond to quality customer support. Some 73% of consumers report that customer experience is a factor when making purchasing decisions. Limiting customer service hours can cost you money and customers.

An international customer support team equals better customer service.

Workers Are Comfortable with Technology

One of the benefits of remote working is that there is little to no learning curve for your employees. Most employees take communication at home for granted.

Their connection with technology makes the transition to remote working an easy one. Of course, this means low training costs for your business.

The transition to remote working is relatively easy for both employees and employers.

Increased Worker Productivity

As you know, business productivity is directly related to worker productivity. Remote working allows employees to feel at ease, work at their own pace, and as a result be more productive.

Employees are incentivised when companies align with their needs/desires. Working remotely allows greater flexibility.

Companies across the globe are being forced to rethink traditional compensation strategies. By aligning with what top tier wants, companies increase financial rewards.

Remote Employees Are Cost-Friendly

The cost of large office spaces only continues to rise.

Each employee costs a company money. Desks, computers, and heating and cooling a large office are costs you don’t have to pay if you outsource work to remote employees.

For employees, there is little to no transportation costs and likewise no time investment in commuting.

Training too is reduced, since employees are comfortable with the technology they use at home.

Reduced Stress for Employees

Stress is a major factor in job satisfaction.

If your employees feel stressed out about coming to the office each day, they are less productive and will take a greater number of sick days.

This reduces the amount of work completed and costs your company money.

Remote working gives your employees a chance to decompress from the stress of the office and leads to increased business productivity. Additionally, the stress of the daily commute can contribute to stress long before they even arrive at work. Working from home eliminates this risk.

Employees Reduce Costs

Another one of the benefits of remote working is reduced costs for employees.

Travel is a major expense for employees. If they drive to and from work in their own vehicle, the cost of transportation is particularly high. As is buying appropriate work attire.

Remote working dissolves the costs of both transportation and clothing that once dominated their pay checks. This is an incentive for talent interested in working for your company.

Access to Global Talent

Once again, a global talent pool is far greater than a local one.

Going remote empowers your business to take advantage of candidates with varying degrees, experience, and skillsets.

Without a remote working option, your business could lose out on key talent to propel your business forward.

Reduces Employee Turnover

A high turnover rate can cost companies millions of pounds. The cost to recruit, hire and train a new employee far exceed the costs of keeping your current talent happy.

Remote working is a key factor in keeping employees satisfied. Flexibility is what job candidates are looking for. Reducing employee turnover, and the costs associated with it is just one more benefit of remote working.

Happier Employees = Increased Morale

Every business wants and needs a good reputation among job seekers.

A satisfied work pool increases morale. Improved morale also leads to greater business productivity.

By providing a stable and enjoyable working environment, you can attract more talent to your business. More talent leads to business growth. Business growth leads to greater financial gains and expansion.


While remote working might not be optimal for all businesses, it can and does work swimmingly for many small to large firms. Business growth and business productivity are the greatest overall benefits to employers. For remote employees, flexibility and job satisfaction are the two greatest benefits.

Whatever you choose for your business, remember that happy employees lead to happy customers. Consider these benefits before you cast a final vote. You and your business will be better off for it.

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